Tänase päeva film nr 2.
"In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece. The Greek city of Sparta houses its finest warriors, and 300 of these soldiers are chosen to meet the Persians at Thermopylae, engaging the soldiers in a narrow canyon where they cannot take full advantage of their numbers. The battle is a suicide mission, meant to buy time for the rest of the Greek forces to prepare for the invasion. However, that doesn't stop the Spartans from throwing their hearts into the fray, determined to take as many Persians as possible with them."
Mitte just kõige meeldivam koht oli see, kui kuningas läks oraakli juurde, kelle valvajateks olid mingsugused moonutatud tüübid. Oraakliks aga kõige ilusam Sparta tüdruk, kes pidi nende moonutatud tüüpide ihasid välja kannatama. Kõhe hakkas kohe. Sel ajal elada poleks tahtnud.
Loomulikult on seal müstilisi kolle, poolpaljaid mehi, jubedaid laipasid, lapsi, naisi, palju palju vägivalda.
Kas need tüübid olid vaprad, hulljulged või lihtsalt lollid, seda otsustage ise. Iseenesest vahelduseks huvitav.
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