Filosoofiast ja muust
Täna lugesin läbi Platoni "Riigi" 4. raamatu. Ma parem ei räägi, milline katsumus oli sellele keskenduda.
Mõned tsitaadid sealt:
- "Would that I could! but you should regard me rather as a follower who has just eyes enough to see what you show him -- that is about as much as I am good for."
- "... that in each of us there are the same principles and habits which there are in the State; and that from the individual they pass into the State? -- how else can they come there?"
- "But the question is not quite so easy when we proceed to ask whether these principles are three or one; whether, that is to say, we learn with one part of our nature, are angry with another, and with a third part desire the satisfaction of our natural appetites; or whether the whole soul comes into play in each sort of action -- to determine that is the difficulty."
Oh seda filosoofiat. Juba gümnaasiumi filosoofia tunnis suutsin ma nii sassi ennast ajada, sest mu mõte jooksis liiga kiiresti ja suu ei jõudnud järgi. Sööklas oli tore arutada teemadel, et kas see laud kaob ära kui me sööklast lahkume jne. Häh, naljakas oli.
Tänase päeva laul Nelly Furtado "Say it right"
- Oh you don't mean nothing at all to me
No you don't mean nothing at all to me
Do you got what it takes to set me free
Oh you (could) mean everything to me -
Hoidke seda, mis teil on! Kaotus on raske!
Sildid: filosoofia, muusika
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